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Construct 2 [Session]

31th January 2015


Construct 2 is a tool that is mostly used for making games, without the knowledge of any programming language.

The development environment is well organized, simple and very functional making it an ideal IDE for game development from noobers to professional game developers.


Info: The IDE is officially supported for Windows only. Linux users need to load it through Wine, check compability.

IDE Fundamentals

User includes objects and layers, then writes events that will occur in game. Construct 2 then compiles and generates a HTML 5 code which can be viewed on any HTML 5 supported browser.

Info: HTML 5 is just the language of the code generated. More precisely, Construct 2 uses the canvas element and JQuery along with couple of other JS libraries to manipulate around with pixels in the canvas. Since it is a canvas element, it is pixel dependent, making it not appropriate to run it on wide range of screen sizes. SVG's on the other hand are more preferable for multiple screen sizes.

The main advantage of generating HTML 5 code is that it can be processed and converted to support multiple platforms using tools such as CocoonJS, PhoneGap, etc. These come bundled in Construct 2 allowing it to support game development for different platforms.


IDE Usage Essentials


Beginners Guide

Learn to make this from here.

Proceed Gradually on the Objects

stage-1.png stage-2.png stage-3.png stage-4.png stage-5.png stage-6.png stage-7.png stage-8.png stage-9.png stage-10.png

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